Business owners are looking for ways to grow their business, but many times they don't know where to start.
There is so much information out there about growing your business but it can be hard to find the right resources and people who will help you get started. This article will give you some tips on how you can leverage your abilities and systems so that you feel confident as the CEO of your own life!

You've got this! We'll walk through a few different strategies that will help propel your
business forward. Let's dive in...
"What is the next level?"
This question often comes to mind when business owners are looking for ways to grow their company. The good news is that there are many different paths you can take to grow your business, but it starts with having a clear vision of what you want. In this blog post, we'll talk about how you can grow your business online by leveraging your abilities and systems so that you feel confident as the CEO of your own life!
Hi! I'm Sarah Lawyer, Mompreneur and I help business coaches to create a passive marketing strategy so they can expand their business influence without always relying on advertising. We do this via Profitable Pinterest Formula.
This post may contain affiliate links to products that I trust. This means that if you make a purchase using the links below I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for the support!
1) Evaluate your current business and identify what needs to change
Before you can move up to the next level, you have to learn from what you have already done, it is vital that you first evaluate what is working and what hasn't been working.

I like to take a page from Kate McShea, when it comes to evaluating because we are our worst critics and can always find things that aren't working. So instead...
List 3 things that have worked
List 1 thing that didn't work
List 1 thing that you are going to focus on to improve.
Plan out a timeline for changes - don't make any sudden moves
Patience is absolute when it comes to building your business and you mustn't make any sudden moves.
List your timeline for changes and stick to them! Don't move up before the time has come, by staying patient and taking things slow you will grow more successful than ever!
2) Get feedback from others in the industry about your plan before you implement it
I learned this lesson early on, have a coach and surround yourself with those who have what you want in your business.
Don't just assume that your plan is going to work, look for feedback from others in the industry before you implement it.
In order to do this, you'll need to be part of a community who are working towards the same goals.
There are many Facebook groups out there, however, all the notification, posts, and comments can sometimes get lost because it is not a community that the owner of the group controls. It's still controlled by Facebook.
Which is why I have been working with Chef Katrina in building out her community app called Truth Bomb Marketing. It is a place to learn, to collaborate, and to connect with other entrepreneurs building their businesses online.
Join us here and download the app.
3) Be patient with yourself as you work through the process of growth, this may take time
The last year and a half have proven that more and more businesses can succeed and fail online. It's all about creating the life you want for yourself and your family.
It can be difficult to grow at times, so don’t get discouraged if it takes time for things to start working in your favor. Make sure you are doing what is best for your business and always trying new ways of growing!
Remember that there's no such thing as an overnight success, everything takes hard work and dedication
One of my favorite sayings: "it took me 15 years to become an overnight success!"
What people see once you have seen success is just the "success." They don't see the long hours, the mistakes made, the 3 steps forward to take 5 steps back phases of your business.
Don't let your journey grow you tired, keep pushing and learn from the obstacles that come in your way.

Remember to give yourself a break when needed!
You will be able to grow by implementing these strategies into your daily routine!
Implementing these ideas can help grow your business exponentially. Remember to take it slow, and celebrate everything until your reach your "overnight success."
4) Keep track of your progress on a calendar or spreadsheet so you can see how far you've come!
Why track your progress?
It's a great way to stay motivated and not give up!
Tracking also brings more attention and focus which brings more of the same, focus and attention, into your life.
Have you ever noticed when you are looking to buy a new car, you're always thinking of it, therefore you're noticing it more and more in your life.
The same goes for your business, the more you track your progress, the more progress you notice and the more you attract to you.
If you're anything like me, you may struggle doing this consistently on your own.
Check out this 5 Week Masterclass helping you design your best year ever using the Law of Attraction Planner.
These beautifully designed planners not only help to organize your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, but walks you through how to find out your goals and how to add them into your schedule.
This article has come to an end, but the journey of growing your business doesn't have to.
Join me and so many great entrepreneurs in the Truth Bomb Marketing Community. It's a brand new app that shares everything you need to truly build a successful business online. I'm personally helping to build up the community with the founder, Chef Katrina and believe me, we aren't holding anything back to help you reach your goals.
Check it out and download the app here.
All the best!

This post may contain affiliate links to products that I trust. This means that if you make a purchase using the links below I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for the support!