This is definitely not one of my usual topics, but I felt that it needed to talked about especially now that we are in December and soon we'll be looking at making our New Year's Resolutions.
And in order for you and for me to reach our goals in life, business, health, wealth, family, and spiritually we need to become someone new.
Now what exactly does that mean?
Whenever you set a goal it to become better at something, but the person you have been or are currently isn't the one who has met that goal yet. So in order to go from one level to another, you actually have to take on new habits, take on new personality traits, and you have become the person who accomplishes those goals.
In the video below, I walk you through an exercise that you can watch or just keep reading.
You'll need a piece of paper and pen to write this down.
Now I want you to imagine your future self that has accomplished all your goals. What are your characteristics of your future self?
Here are mine that I wrote down:
Physically Fit
A Loving Mother
Spiritually In-Tune
Now here is the part that needs to happen in order to see these come to pass. You need to feel gratitude for the person you are becoming.
By doing that, you are re-programming your subconscious to accept this 'new you' and then you become that person through the actions that you take towards accomplishing your goals.
So you see, unless you can switch your mindset from focusing on your past and your present self, you'll never see a different future and that is what you should do if you never want to succeed.
Since sharing is caring, make sure to re-pin this so others can enjoy and learn these simple secrets to creating success.

Now for the fun part.
I mentioned in my video that I am looking for a small group of business builders whether you have a brick and mortar, an online, an affiliate, a network marketing, or direct selling type of business. I am looking to put together a mastermind of business builders who looking to truly expand their business.
This will not be for someone just curious and may want to be a part of it. No, I am looking for those who are serious about seeing growth in their business.
This mastermind group will help to hold each other accountable, provide skills and talents that other member may not have yet, and help push each other on this journey of entrepreneurship.
If you are ready to join that kind of group, I want you to enter your name and email, tell me why you think you would be a good fit and I'll reach back out to you so we can chat.
I can't wait to have you join my mastermind group!
Talk to you soon,
Sarah Lawyer