When starting to build your business online, the prospect of doing this can be a little daunting because there are so many questions of where to start?
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Let's cover the most basic first and then go into the more complex things to have.
Have a Website
First off, the very first thing that you want to do is have a website and the best place I have found to get a website up and running within a budget is through Wix.
When I first set up a website, it was through Blogger, which was great for sharing some ideas, but not for anything else.
Then I went to Wordpress and when I pivoted in my business, I couldn't figure out how to change it without breaking it.
And then I found Wix. Wix has been a complete game changer for molding a professional website to be able to sell my products, to connect with new people through blog posts, collect emails and sent out automations seamlessly, and create beautiful converting capture pages.
I have actually recorded a beginner course on creating your Wix Website, make sure to request access here to this exclusive Wix website tutorial that covers:
How to choose a template
How to customize the colors and images
How to create a capture page
How to use the built in Automation for your capture pages and
How to set up your Domain
I truly covered all the step you need to get your website up and running and on your way to bringing income to you.
Next is attracting people to you by created eye catching and relevant images for your audience.
Image Design
The next tool to help you really stand out is having a way to create eye catching photos.
There a lot of options out there, but my favorite is Canva.
They have both free option as well as a Pro option, if you are serious about getting your business seen out and having the best foot forward, definitely upgrade to the Pro version.
I will use the Pro almost everyday while I am creating images for my Website, for my products, for my social accounts like Facebook and Instagram, and for my search engine profiles like Pinterest and YouTube.
It's also a great place to make images for you blog posts and website images. If you're ready to have a professional business, design your images like a Pro.
Many people will say that email marketing is dead, but you still open emails and still find things to buy that are recommended through your email.
Don't believe me? Grab this free ebook from Aweber (an email marketing provider that I use) of How To Grow Your Business With Email Marketing.
Now I did mention that you could use Wix email automations to collect leads and communicate with people, however if you're looking for a marketing system that can integrate seamlessly, then Aweber is not only affordable, but always improving their systems to be cutting edge for their customers.
For example, did you know that you can create a landing page with Aweber?
So if you are not looking to create your own website and just sell your product, then having a landing page directly connected with your customer relationship management (CRM) system, it might worth a look for you.
Let's flip this conversation, we've talked about creating websites, images, and emails and slightly touched on creating sale pages.
Do you have a digital course or a product that you are looking to sell without all the extra fluff?
Check out this FREE webinar on "A 10 Step System For Launching A 6-Figure Digital Product".
Now this is the secret that I am most eager to give you, how to build your business on automation.
In this world we live in, the best way to attract people to us is through social media, through search marketing, however, have you ever felt so completely overwhelmed with the magnitude of always showing up every day just in order to stay relevant?
I know when I first entered the online world, I was excited with the multitude of opportunities to connect with people in order to share my business. Then I dove right in! I was all aboard and ready to shine!
A couple weeks went by and I was so tired of feeling like I was glued to my phone, always feeling like I "needed" to take pictures for the world to see in order to get attention instead of wanting to take pictures of my girls for me to enjoy.
And what I'm going to share with you is the magic bullet to get back to enjoying your life and doing the things that you enjoy in your business without always needing to be present on social media.
The secret is Automation. Automation is a tool that will allow you to schedule your posts, your pins, your videos on auto pilot while you are working your business or enjoying your life.
Now the biggest places to play are Instagram and Pinterest for either social media and search marketing.
If you're already on there, you may have already asked, how can I grow more with these? Tailwind is the answer.
Not only does it give you the power of setting up your schedule and then moving on, it also gives you the best times for you to post your content. It's also been proven that those that post using Tailwind get more results. Check it out!
You don't have to believe me to know, sign up for an account and try out all the amazing features for free, I promise that if you do, you will absolutely start seeing better results on your profiles and in your business.
But maybe you are looking for a way to see this growth, without scheduling? If you're looking for results, more potential clients, more visits to your sales pages to get sales, than I offer a service that may be for you.
My service is to go into your Tailwind account, schedule your images to get the most views, search out collaboration boards on Pinterest that will get your content seen and shared, and potentially create professional branded images to get you noticed. Here's the catch, I only work with a select few clients and if you feel that what I offer could benefit you, schedule a consultation call.
Online marketing doesn't have to be complicated if you have the right tools to help you reach your goals.
Which tool is going to help you move your business forward the most? Building a website with Wix? Creating professional images on Canva? Doing more with email marketing or a sales page for products to sell? Or is adding automation with Tailwind?
Let me know in the comments.
Talk soon!
